Hassle-free and quick purchase!!
Same day cash purchase possible under certain conditions!!
Available for purchase from dealer auctions!!
Can be exported to other countries!!
Even if it's your first used car, you can rest assured with the all-inclusive sales price
■ Compulsory automobile liability insurance premiums ■ Weight tax ■ Recycling tickets
■ License plate acquisition fee ■ Registration year automobile tax
■ Name change fee ■ Warranty transfer (vehicles within the period)
■Interior cleaning fee ■Trade-in fee
■ETC setup
A reliable and speedy appraisal by a professional
Our specialized appraisal staff will carefully assess each item, including the car navigation system, sunroof, leather seats, etc. If there are no problems with operation, this will lead to a positive appraisal.
Aero parts, aluminum wheels, mufflers, etc. are also plus points for the appraisal.
If you have an original part, it will be subject to evaluation during the appraisal, so please have it ready at the time of appraisal.
We buy damaged cars at high prices!
Please contact us even if you have been turned down by other stores!!
Some vehicles, same-day cash purchases
For some vehicles, we will purchase them on the spot for cash after an appraisal!!
If you are in a hurry, please feel free to contact us.
We will come to your home to buy your items anywhere in the Kanto area!!
Our professional staff will visit you anywhere in the Kanto area to evaluate your car.